Official website of the ECOWAS Parliament

Country Infos

Parliament Name National Assembly
Population 7420000
Number of Members 91
Parliament Type unicameral
Legislature Duration 5
Last Election 0000-00-00

List of Members of Parliament

Name Firstname Committee Position Join MP
Agbadao Koumon Nahou Political Affairs, Peace, Security and African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM)
Hodin Eke Kokou Agriculture, Environment and Natural Resources
Ablom Johnson André Kouassi Energy and Mines
Tsolenyanu Koffi Legal Affairs and Human Rights
ALIPUI Senanu Koku Agriculture, Environment and Natural Resources
BOLOUVI Patrick Kodjovi Senam Energy and Mines
SOKLINGBE Senou Legal Affairs and Human Rights
IBRAHIMA Memounatou Political Affairs, Peace, Security and African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM)

Country Reports


Country Report Togo Session Nov 2019 537.77 KB 155 downloads

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