Official website of the ECOWAS Parliament

Country Infos

Parliament Name House of Representatives
Population 4500000
Number of Members 73
Parliament Type bicameral
Legislature Duration 0
Last Election 0000-00-00
Website to be update

List of Members of Parliament

Name Firstname Committee Position Join MP
Momolu Massaquoi Clarence Kortu Public Accounts
Stephen J. H. Zargo Trade, Customs and Free Movement
Edwin Melvin Snowe Jr Political Affairs, Peace, Security and African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM)
Haja Fata Siryon Administration, Finance and Budget Control

Country Reports


2016 Second Ordinary Session Liberia Country Report 139.65 KB 67 downloads

2016 Second Ordinary Session of the ECOWAS Parliament from 22nd september to 7th...
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